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Friday, September 12, 2008

the 5 Don't in the night 晚上5大禁忌

  1. Dun look into the toliet bowl, that is your face when you die. If you already old never mind, don't live too old, Singapore too many old people liao.
    晚上上廁所時千萬不要看馬桶裏的倒影,因爲那是你死的樣子,如果是老人還可以,如果是你現在的樣子的話,那 說明你的生命。。。。。。
  2. At night you go home, open door, if people call you, don't turn your head and see. If not...
    晚上回家開門時,千萬不要往後看,無論發生了什事,比如有人說話,問候什的,你千萬不要回頭,否則 。。。。。。
  3. Don't look into the mirror while washing your face, if you see them in the mirror, don't kan chiong, if not things will follow you. Say this if you really see them, 'GOGOGO, GOGOGO, LONELY GHOSTS GOGOGO'
    晚上洗臉時如果渺媔i了水,千萬不要看鏡子,如果在鏡子中看見什不該看見的一些東西千萬不要慌張,否 則那東西會纏著你不放的,心中默念:去去去,去去去,遊神野鬼去去去。直到看不見那東西爲止。
  4. If got people knock your door at night, better don't open it. Just recite this in your heart, 'Door god protect me, door god open door, if it's the ghosts, please watch the door.'
    上有人敲們,千萬不要馬上去開,否則你會後悔的,你就對著門說:“進來。。”如果聽見有什噪音,無 論是從什地方傳來的,多不可以開門,除非你不想活了,只要心中默念:門神保佑,門神開門,若是冤魂,請看 好門。。。。。
  5. If the 12o'clock bell struck you awake, don't open your eyes straight away. If not, you will see things... you will regret...
    晚上要是被12點的鐘聲吵醒,千萬不可馬上爭開眼,要不然你會看見你不該看見的東西,你會後悔的。。。 。

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